Week 5: Communicating Your Environment
models 1-2 and transitional space
Room Template 1:20 |
M O D E L 1 : p a p e r
scale 1:20
materials (sketchbook paper, malleable wire, masking tape)
(1) paper model |
Process: Paper was used to create the main body of model 1, each surface connected by either glued tabs or masking tape; tabs were found to be the more effective method of joining and also looked cleaner. While quick to use and easy to cut/bend, the thin material is less sturdy and hard to add to later.
I decided to make all 4 walls to experiment with recreating exactly how light acts in my bedroom, utilising both natural light and a lamp as a direct light source when photographing.
sunlight through window blinds |
hallway light through doorway |
interior space with natural morning light |
nighttime view from outside window |
simulating ceiling light |
simulating room lamp light |
Using photography as a visual documentation, I manipulated camera angles and the direction of both the general and direct light sources to recreate a viewer's realistic perspective as if they were standing in the room.
M O D E L 2 : c a r d b o a r d
scale 1:20
(2) cardboard model |
materials (corrugated cardboard, plastic, crêpe paper, paper)
Process: Using the same template as the previous model I made one from a more durable material and experimented with different joining techniques as well as incorporating mixed media. Below photos demonstrate how I attached walls together by cutting out alternating tabs and slotting them together, reinforced with craft glue. On other edges I used masking tape.
Interior walls were painted white to simulate the plaster while blue crepe paper was used as the carpet. The window pane is made from a durable plastic.
sunlight through west-facing window |
window from exterior view |
joining technique: slotted tabs and tape |
hallway light into dark room |
f o l d i n g t e c h n i q u e s
folded circle simulating spiral staircase
5 Joined Hyperbolic Parabolas |
Above: 5 square sheets folded using the technique shown in link above, taped together. Scale figures cut from thin card paper and tree made from cotton tips.
Process: My intention with this model was to practice creating a distinctive space using only the folded paper to allude to a shelter-like structure, before considering how to incorporate such methods into my room models.
This model was done while not at home, therefore part of the experimentation involved in its making concerned resourcefulness of materials. The main body was made with photocopy paper and therefore did not hold the shape as well as thicker paper may have and creased less cleanly. The tree is comprised of cotton tips, ends used as leaves, attached with correction fluid for glue.
f u s i o n 3 6 0
The Space Between: 2.5D Shapes and Assemblies
Transitional Space (1:1.15)
Below: transitional space in paper (net and assembled)
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